Fila Service Crew

Still to Come...

Personal Benefit Yard sale up and coming... 2 Road Warrior Bikes - mountain bikes with suspension to die for just needs new tires and they are from Europe not on a generalize USA sale...1 red 1 blue...sofa size painting winter scene {not mine}odds and ends kitchen items, hardly if ever worn ladies shoes size 8 & 1/2 to 10, some clothing items, a bunch of goodies!
My personal drawings and a few paintings...below is a sample and is now matted for your pleasure or you can change it to a frame you'd prefer.

We were setting up for a "BOWL & BID" but with all the surgeries last year and this we are just going for the "BID". I will be getting that up shortly!


10 PIN & Silent Art Auction under way...
as soon as the knee is replaced we will start sending out more info....

"Taking it to the Water" 
is on its way please visit the Calendar page so as not to miss out on the fun!!!


It is here in full swing and moving even faster than last - 2014 - can you believe it??? Christmas has come and gone...again...the Ball in NY has fallen ... again.... 4 days already into the New Year! Hope one and all have had the best of it all as of yet with many more to come each getting better & better!
Our 2nd year is officially complete with the 3rd HEAD ON TO MEET! To meet more needs, meet more people, meet more challenges, meet more friends and more members, along with the meet of new volunteers, helpers, sponsors and all the good that We can possibly help to happen! We hope you are all as excited as We are to see what is in store for 2014. There are several things which are in the “possible” mode and a few in the “in the Making” mode & We’d love for you all to join Us for another year of success!
Fila's Flying Fingers 2014 schedule is DONE & SET! With the exception of July & August which are the high times for the Brooklyn Park Library & their summer programs for the children. Once they set their schedule We will update the calendar. All in all We are once or twice a month with giggles and games wishing more of you would like to learn a little bit of another language - not a boring, repetitive-memorizing language but a totally animated and motion filled Culture within a Language! It is simply put...F U N !!! Come out and try on a word or 2 and if you like it keep coming - - if not OK - Give Us some suggestions that you WOULD like and We can add them too.
Look for the CALENDAR Page to Pop Up soon - - - Very soon!

Engineering Department - still in the works of establishment - We will keep you posted.

Newest Service - Crew Cloth Corner - Check it out!

Crew Signing Group - STARTED!!!

New Venues in the works too!

more still to come...

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